Category: Education
Created by: Carissa
Number of Blossarys: 6
Enumeratio is the concept of detailing specific parts. Rather than just saying, "The King is bad," the writer will list of specifically the different ways that he has been bad.
An expletive is when one word (or possibly a short phrase) is put into a sentence for emphasis. Often is is offset by commas and is not needed for the sentence to make sense. The only purpose is to ...
Tone is the author's attitude towards the subject matter. It is one of the key points of rhetoric and is composed of: diction, syntax, and figurative language.
The American Revolution rhetoric is about big ideas. As such, concrete language is avoided and more abstract language is used. Words like: freedom, liberty, etc. are used rather than the more ...
While not seen in many of the speeches, alliteration does play a part in the poetry of the American Revolution. Alliteration is the practice of having words which start with the same sound ...
An allusion is a reference to another story or theme. It often adds credence to a though by adding outside emphasis. Often the bible is alluded to. Patrick Henry says, "Suffer not to be betrayed with ...
Anaphora is the deliberate repetition of the first part of a sentence to add emphasis. This is clear in many of the speeches and texts of the time.