Home > Blossary: Volcano
An article detailing different terms relating to volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.

Category: Geography

22 Terms

Created by: Silentchapel

Number of Blossarys: 95

My Terms
Collected Terms

பிடிபட்ட ஸ்ரீ வடிவான முடிவுசெய்ய பிடிபட்ட ஸ்ரீ அமைப்புக்களையும் ஆகியவை. அவர்கள் மூலம் ejecta இருந்து கொண்டு ஒரு மத்திய crater ஒரு கூம்பு வடிவத்தில் vent சுற்றி பெருகும், ஒரு பிடிபட்ட ஸ்ரீ vent உருவாக் ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

Não existe consenso entre os vulcanologistas sobre como definir um vulcão "ativo". A vida útil de um vulcão pode variar de meses a milhões de anos, fazendo tal distinção às vezes insignificante ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

Lahar jest rodzajem potoku błota lub gruzu przepływu składa się z gnojowicy materiału piroklastycznego, skalistego gruzu i wody. Materiał spływa z wulkanu, zwykle wzdłuż doliny rzeki. Lahars są ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

It is difficult to distinguish an extinct volcano from a dormant (inactive) one. Volcanoes are often considered to be extinct if there are no written records of its activity. Nevertheless, volcanoes ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

Extinct volcanoes are those that scientists consider unlikely to erupt again, because the volcano no longer has a magma supply. Examples of extinct volcanoes are many volcanoes on the Hawaiian – ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

There is no consensus among volcanologists on how to define an "active" volcano. The lifespan of a volcano can vary from months to several million years, making such a distinction sometimes ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

A pyroclastic flow (also known scientifically as a pyroclastic density current) is a fast-moving current of hot gas and rock (collectively known as tephra), which reaches speeds moving away from a ...

Domain: Natural environment; Category: Volcano

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