Home > Blossary: Our Planet-our environment
Protecting our planet from pollution is the talk of the day, problem of the time. In one end we we are concerned about polluting the planet, on the other end we continue polluting blaming each other. Let us not just talk, rather do something concrete to live in Green.

Category: Science

8 Terms

Created by: SharfuddinR

Number of Blossarys: 11

My Terms
Collected Terms

In a greenhouse, the air inside gets heated because of the warm sun rays that get trapped by the roof and walls are not reflected outwards completely. This situation is now comparable to the conditions currently prevailing on earth. The layer of the atmosphere, which acts like greenhouse glass roof, contains greenhouse gasses GHG, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone, in appropriate amounts to keep our earth comfortably warm. Owing to irresponsible human activities, the CO2 & methane content have increased more than 20 & 90% respectively. As a result more heat is trapped and making the earth warmer than usual. The increased temperature causing the polar caps and glaciers melt, leading to the rise in sea levels causing unwanted floods and tidal bores.

Domain: Environment; Category: Pollution

Kasvuhoones, siseõhu saab kuumutatud tõttu saada katkisel katusel sooja päikese ja seinad ei kajastu väljapoole täielikult. Olukord on nüüd võrreldav maal praegu valitsevaid tingimusi. Atmosfäär toimib nagu kasvuhoone klaasist katuse kiht sisaldab kasvuhoonegaaside gaaside kasvuhoonegaaside, veeaur, süsinikdioksiid CO2, metaan, dilämmastikoksiid ja osoonisisalduse asjakohaseid summasid hoida meie maa mugavalt soe. Vastutustundetu inimtegevuse tõttu CO2 ja metaani sisaldus on suurenenud rohkem kui 20 ja 90% vastavalt. Tulemus rohkem soojust on lõksus ning kehtestatakse maa soojem kui tavaliselt. Suurenenud temperatuur põhjustab Polari mütsid ja liustikud sulama, mis põhjustab soovimatuid üleujutused ja loodete bores merepinna tõusu.

Domain: Environment; Category: Pollution

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