Home > Blossary: Beekeeping
A brief insight into bees and their colonies and products.

Category: Science

22 Terms

Created by: absit.nomen

Number of Blossarys: 5

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Development from egg to emerging bee varies among queens, workers and drones. Queens emerge from their cells in 16 days, workers in 21 days and drones in 24 days. Only one queen is usually present in ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

Pollination is the process by which pollen is transferred in the reproduction of plants, thereby enabling fertilization and sexual reproduction. Bees pollinate 80% of agricultural crops.

Domain: Agriculture; Category: General agriculture

Honey extraction is the central process in beekeeping of removing honey from honeycomb so that it is isolated in a pure liquid form.

Domain: Agriculture; Category: General agriculture

A new honey bee colony is formed when the queen bee leaves the colony with a large group of worker bees, a process called swarming. In the prime swarm, about 60% of the worker bees leave the original ...

Domain: Agriculture; Category: General agriculture

Colony collapse disorder (CCD) is a phenomenon in which worker bees from a beehive or European honey bee colony abruptly disappear. While such disappearances have occurred throughout the history of ...

Domain: Agriculture; Category: 

Foraging is searching for and exploiting food resources. It affects an animal's fitness because it plays an important role in an animal's ability to survive and reproduce. Foraging theory is a branch ...

Domain: Agriculture; Category: General agriculture

A bee sting is strictly a sting from a bee (honey bee, bumblebee, sweat bee, etc.). In the vernacular it can mean a sting of a bee, wasp, hornet, or yellow jacket. Some people may even call the bite ...

Domain: Animals; Category: 

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